
10 Senate During Session Send Mail to: The Honorable ______________ Pocahontas Building, Richmond, VA 23219 Salutation: Dear Senator __________ President of the Senate The HonorableWinsome Sears (R) Lieutenant Governor–804.786.2078 President Pro Tempore The Honorable L. Louise Lucas (D) Pocahontas Building, Room E604 804.698.7518 Majority Leader The Honorable Richard S. Saslaw (D) Pocahontas Building, Room E602 804.698.7535 Minority Leader The Honorable Thomas K. Norment Jr. (R) Pocahontas Building, Room E603 804.698.7503 Clerk of the Senate The Honorable Susan Clarke Schaar Office 804.698.7400 Salutation: Dear Mrs. Schaar Deputy Clerk–804.698.7400 Committee Clerks–804.698.7450 Finance Committee–804.698.7480 Information–804.698.7410 or 888-892.6948 Senate Clerk’s Office Staff– Senator/SCOPersonnel.php Committees– standingcommittees.php • A ordable large and small meeting spaces • Accommodating groups from 5 to 200 • A/V technology – WIFI – hybrid meeting options • Food and beverage options St. Paul’s Episcopal Church on Capitol Square For more information contact our church o ce at 804.643.3598 or | 815 E. Grace Street, Richmond, VA (parking o of 8th Street) MEETING SPACE AND PARKING AVAILABLE