1 Contents 2024 General Assembly Calendar.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Associations......................................7 HouseCandidates..................................9 SenateCandidates.................................48 Elect No Strangers! Thirty-four years ago (1989) in an attempt to write a haiku, I penned the words that became the title for our directory of candidates Elect No Strangers! If possible, elect friends. If not, make friends of those elected. David Bailey Every year since 1990 David Bailey Associates has published “Elect No Strangers” to help interested Virginians become acquainted with candidates for the General Assembly This directory includes candidates listed in the order in which they will appear on the ballot for the general election This directory includes all candidates as of July 28, 2023 However, prior to 60 days before the November 7th election, party nominees that withdraw may be replaced by new candidates Note that asterisks (*) indicate incumbents Official information regarding the November election is available from local registrars and from the Virginia Department of Elections website, wwwelections virginia gov All candidates were contacted via email and/or phone call Thank you to everyone who confirmed their campaign information When we did not get a response we provided information that was available from the Virginia Department of Elections Another excellent source for campaign information is the Virginia Public Access Project, www vpap org As we often say, this directory includes all of the ‘winners’ – all of those who will serve This will be correct unless there is a successful write-in candidate Thanks to our advertisers for helping to underwrite the directory The credit for obtaining information is due to the professional work of Hannah King, Cierra Parks, Bonnie Atwood, Reagan Hardy and Bernie Henderson John Sours (JS3 Design) and Wordsprint completed the production Elect No Strangers, 2023 Volume 32– Copyright ©2023 David L Bailey A nonpartisan annual publication dedicated to a more informed electorate, seeking neither the re-election nor the defeat of any candidate. Published by Virginia Capitol Connections A Public Relations Firm wwwvccqm org • 1108 East Main Street • Suite 1200 Richmond, VA 23219 • 804 643 5554